Estimates vary as to how much the
Electric Cars:
AC induction motors are very efficient. Electromechanical transmission is what the big locomotives use to move mile long coal trains.
The Disabled:
People with disabilities who get around very efficiently and quietly using electric wheel chairs and the like really bother me. They are mocking the hydrocarbon economy and blood for oil politics. I think that if the consumer public isn’t allowed to have transportation that efficient, neither should the disabled. If electric motors aren’t good enough for cars, why are they good enough for locomotives and the disabled? I think they should all have their electric driven transports replaced with small, loud and polluting engines.
Electric Cars and Standard Oil:
If we look at the applications of electric motors for the very large and the very small we find they are suitable to both tasks. Electric motors are not only more efficient than ICE; they also have fewer moving parts resulting in more reliable service. Where efficiency AND reliability is necessary there you will find an electric motor.
Why then do we still use internal combustion engines to go to the store or the mall or to work or home?
Explanation (generic): The big oil companies know there is still a lot of oil in the ground. They make money by selling that oil, and they control our politics. Also, they control the automobile manufacturing companies. At the level of production they won’t allow alternatives because it’s bad for business. It goes without saying that they won’t allow the political order to countermand their striving for profit. The average consumer does not have the means to make a vehicle, so she has to purchase a means of transportation from what the market provides. Since the market only provides one type of transport medium (ICE), the consumer has to accept that.