
Networks, Cells, Revolutions

  • The Business of Terror: Conceptualizing Terrorist Organizations
    as Cellular Businesses

  • A Formal Characterization of Cellular Networks

  • "A cell is a distinct subgroup of actors within a larger cellular network. The presence of at least one cell is fundamental to a network’s distinction of being cellular—without at least one cell, a network is not cellular. Empirically, a cell often consists of relatively few actors and has a distinct topology that is effortless to identify visually. The actors in a cell can be partitioned into two distinct but intertwined subgroups, namely the cell-core and the cell-periphery."

  • The Complexity of Terrorist Networks


  • "If the ideas of swarm intelligence are applicable to any group of human beings, it would be to zealous and fanatical terrorists, bound together as one by the Islamic bond of brotherhood; as absolute as that shared by blood relatives. Such a terrorist group could not be adequately represented simply as a set of single-minded individuals, espousing a common cause. Much of their special strength resides in the unusual qualities of their collective swarm intelligence, which govern the group’s fearsome capability of executing extreme acts of terror and escaping prior detection. "

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