


Glass of OJ (approx: 300ml)

Mixed w/ roughly 1g Piracetam, 650mg Choline Citrate, 500mg actyl-l-carnitine, 200-300mg centrophenoxine, optionally 100 mg aniracetam.

Effects: Good arousal but not pushy. Slight improvement in mental clarity, words come more easily, thoughts are more linear, attention span increase, more relaxed, easier to form concepts, simplify problems, etc. Strangely relaxed, a calm insight into the world is more accessible now.

Roughly day 3, and the first day I've tried the centrophenoxine (which I hold out the most hope for due to mechanism of action).

So far side effects practically nil, no headache, nausea, upset stomach, minor aches or anything associated with potential side effects so the therapeutic index for these substances is still seemingly high. Nootropics are supposed to increase mental clariety and stop or reverse aging. So far so good.

The ergot based nootropics I have yet to try. They represent the most experimental and potentially dangerous (w/ regards to side effects) class thus far. According to the research and literature, the most extreme benefits may derive from an ergot based nootropic like Hydergine. I know from certain past experinces that ergot derived mesolates produce neuro-vascular dialation and dopaminergic stimulation.

nootropics, "Gotta catch'em all"; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Nootropics

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