
Medical Mechanica

My cousin's kid is 9 years old; he gets ten mg of Adderall XR a day. And a small cup of coffee from his loving aunt. He's mesmerized by the television as we speak. I have ear plugs in. I am in the basement.

I wonder how it is that this has come to pass? Rather, how it is that loving, if busy, parents can submit their children to the merciless will of pharmaco-allah? Does this reflect an improvement in the standard of living, or in child-care management in general? If so, why not export the revolution?

In the begining was the TV and children saw it and it was good.

Then there were the psycho-stimulants that produced pharmacologically managed childhood for when the electronic eye could not be accessed.

One wonders what is next? Maybe some sort of teddy ruxbin type animal that dispenses pills AND advice and whose face is a television? Who knows?

MedicalMecanica anyone?

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