
The ICBM threat...1957

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Think about this missile. It's above ground. It's unprotected. It has sensitive fueling eqiupment. Its basically a large ballon filled with LOX & Kerosene. Does it equal survivable? Answer=NO.

USA Code Name SS-6
Nato Code Name: Sapwood
Russian Designation: 8K71
Range: 19 000 Km
Stages: 2
Fuel: Liquid - LOX & Kerosene
Engines Stage 1 RD-107
Engines Stage 2 RD-108
Inservice: 1957 - OOS
Max Number Deployed Less than 10
Notes: First ICBM in the world - forms the basis of Russian A-2 Rocket Launch System
Space Launcher Derivative A-1 Family

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