
ROACH nerve agent




T-55 Tank Delivery

Seems to put out a lot of smoke!


Vote Ron Paul

From Wikipedia's write up on Brazil:

"Sam is not so much beset by malicious characters as he is by a vast, impersonal, and indifferent social structure that is both hypocritical and pedantic for its own sake. The individual villains are neither malicious nor sadistic, they are merely doing their jobs.

The jilted sense of priorities that adult life often entails are also another theme. The elevation of meaningless considerations of status and vanity over personal happiness and well being is continuously portrayed throughout the movie. At one point, a police officer encourages a prisoner to cooperate, not because he is about to be tortured but because prolonged imprisonment could jeopardize his credit rating."

Isn't America turning into this dystopia? Don't we need Ron Paul in the White house to stop this madness?