
Missile Threat

From the website:

"America’s complete vulnerability to ballistic missile attack increases with the proliferation of ballistic missile technology throughout the globe. “The Threat” outlines the danger posed by particular countries."

" The greatest strategic threat to the United States is an attack by one or more ballistic missiles armed with nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction. Today, the United States remains completely vulnerable to this form of attack.

Missilethreat.com is dedicated to explaining this threat, and the urgent need for robust and layered missile defenses. Systems based on land, sea, air, and in space which are capable of intercepting a missile during any phase of its flight are necessary to provide for the common defense. "

  • Missile Threat.com

  • This website is all about proffesional threat inflation. It's sponsered by the Claremont Institutite whose purpose is stated as:

    "The mission of The Claremont Institute is to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life."

  • Claremont Institute
  • 5/07/2005


    The image “http://www.freepickard.org//pix/len1b.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


  • I can think of no more worthwhile cause than the fight to win William his freedom. He has been unjustly tried by a penal system that violates its own rules in the name of control. William Pickard is a kind, decent, brave, intelligent human being who has been placed in a situation that is totally beyond the scope of any alleged crime he could have commited. He is an example of the lengths to which the United States will go to deny its best citizens their freedom.